Check-in is possible from 15.00 at the hotel reception. You may be able to leave your bags at the reception if you arrive earlier, subject to space. The reception service is available from 8.00 to 20.00. You can pay an extra €40 for a personalised check-in if you arrive after 20.00. Please note that this service must be booked at least one day in advance.
You should present a credit card that can guarantee a deposit of €250 per apartment on arrival. This amount will only be authorised and blocked on the card. It will be returned to you provided that the apartment is in good condition upon departure.
If you do not have a credit card, you can pay the deposit in cash. The cash payment will be returned to your current account within a maximum of 14 working days after your departure provided that the apartment is in good conditions and there have been no problems. This sum includes an administrative fee which will vary according to your bank.
The cash deposit can also be returned at the reception on the day of your departure from 12.00.
Check-in: from 15.00, check-out: before 11.00.
In case of any problems on arrival, you can call the number +39 0785377058. If you do not manage to get in contact with this number, you can send a text with your name and the name of the apartment to +39 3348965163.
All apartments are equipped with bedlinen, towels and crockery